Friday, January 30, 2009

A Few Kai Funnies...

Kai's teacher told me this week that Kai is pretty insistent the the kids "use their words". Apparently he was going up to them saying "words, words". I guess it helped...she said the other kid began to use his words since "his friend, Kai" told him to. I am going to call that leadership and not bossiness:)

Today in the post office I heard a lady talking to Kai while I was at the counter. I heard him say "Yes" and she said "oh, that is really neat". I asked her what he has said and she said she had asked him if his daddy flew jets (he was playing with his airplane) which he answered a very confident "yes". I laughed in my head and told her he worked with airplanes but was not a pilot. It was just funny how confident he answered her although he really didn't understand what she was saying. Funny boy...

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