Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Fun in the Not So Sunny Sun

This Sunday we had a great time going over to our friends' home. Jeff, Kari and Dutch used to be our neighbors and then moved further away in McMinnville and now have moved even further up near Portland. We are sad to see them go but excited because Jeff is going to seminary and is going to make a wonderful pastor. This Sunday we went up to have a BBQ at their home. They have a pool and so it was Kai's first time swimming. It wasn't very warm out but our boys were troopers anyway...the mom's stayed out of the water:)

We also went for a walk down by the river which is right next to their house.
And the dads and sons and a friendly game of (I can't remember the name...something that sounds like washers and horseshoes or something).
Thanks for the fun afternoon!

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